Waiting for One Sweet Day When I Will Find My Forever Home...

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Sweet Shuffle!!

Shuffle is such a dream boy!! He is super sweet and just wants to be with people and to be loved. Not only is he super sweet, he is also SUPER CUTE!! He has the most expressive ears and his eyes will melt your heart. Shuffle is also a willing and eager learner who just wants to make your heart happy! I LOVE when he does his happy helicopter tail!! It's SO cute!!!

Another Greyt thing about Shuffle is that he is really wonderful in his crate! When you ask him to go in his crate, he runs right in and gets comfy without making a peep. He loves to nest and move his blankets around until they are in just the right spot. How cute is that?!?!? The only time he gets vocal is his crate is in the morning and when we get home and his tail wags like crazy because he is SO happy to see us!! Such a happy, goofy boy!! Even when we are home and his crate door is open that's his favorite place to nap, and he even roaches which is TOO cute!


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