Waiting for One Sweet Day When I Will Find My Forever Home...

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Happy Gotcha Day!!!

Shuffle went to his forever home on Sunday Feb 21st. He is adored by his new mom and dad; Bobbie and Bob and he lives in Pennsylvania with 4 other Greyhounds: Junior, Jenny, Reba, and Belle, and 5 cats. While I miss him very much, I am so very happy for him!!
Enjoy Your New Life Shuffle, you deserve it!! I will never forget you!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Stay Tuned...

We may possibly have a special announcement to make in the next couple of days..... Keep checking back!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Pictures! Pictures! Pictures!

Shuffle was awfully photogenic today so I got some good pics. Enjoy!






Monday, February 15, 2010

Hey, What's up here?!?!

Shuffle, by his own choice has never been on the second floor of our house except for his first day here. Until.... 2 days ago when he followed me up there. He went up the stairs like a pro and when he got upstairs he just wanted to check things out. It was so cute seeing how curious he was. It was a confident curiosity which was really neat to watch. Today he wanted to go up with me again, but this time I grabbed the video camera!!!

The first couple of times he came down the stairs, it took him a while, but as you can see now, he does them with no problem. What a good boy!!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Looking for Love? Adopt ME!
I will give you my heart and love you unconditionally forever and ever...
With Love Always, Shuffle


Friday, February 12, 2010

Let the Sun Shine In!!

Shuffle decided to lay in the sun for a while today. He has never done this before. How sweet is he?





Just some thoughts

I was just sitting here on the computer and I hear some noise coming from Shuffle's crate (that's his fave place to hang out) I look over and see that he is dreaming. His paws and lips are moving and he's making little whiny noises. How adorable. I wonder what he's dreaming about. Maybe his future forever home? He's such a good sweet boy. Just before he fell asleep the other dogs (Reign and Jett the Chesapeakes, and Blu our Greyhound) ran to the window to bark at something. Shuffle just slightly lifted his head and looked at them like they were crazy and then fell asleep. I just looked at him and smiled. Such a good boy! Last night he finally realized that he needs his muzzle on to go outside and he just stood there and waited for me to put it on. He did the same thing this morning. What a smart boy!! He loves to be near us and be pet and hugged, but he's not pushy about it at all. When you are done loving on him, he is content and will go lay down and get comfy on his bed and blankets. Whoever adopts Shuffle will be hitting the jackpot! He's one in a million!!!


Thursday, February 11, 2010

I look like a model!

Wow there is a lot of cold wet stuff outside so we have just been napping around the house. When it was time to go outside, I got to borrow my foster brothers PJ's (they are from Cozy Coats and More. the link can be found on the left side of my blog). I think they look so handsome on ME!!! What do you think?



Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Just a Sweet Picture!

Since it's a lazy snowy day, here's a picture of me and my foster sister Reign.


Monday, February 8, 2010

I got a present today!!

Check out the new collar (from 2 hounds design, you can find the link on the left side of my blog) and tag my foster mom bought me!! I think it looks great on me!! She told me that it is a special present from her to me and my future adopter. I wonder who that will be?!?!



Sunday, February 7, 2010

A Wonderful Walk With My Foster Brother Blu!

"Come on, What's the hold up?!?!"

Happy Boys!!

Oh So Sweet!!!

"We're Ready to GO!!"

"Yay, We finally got to enjoy our walk!!"

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Sweet Shuffle!!

Shuffle is such a dream boy!! He is super sweet and just wants to be with people and to be loved. Not only is he super sweet, he is also SUPER CUTE!! He has the most expressive ears and his eyes will melt your heart. Shuffle is also a willing and eager learner who just wants to make your heart happy! I LOVE when he does his happy helicopter tail!! It's SO cute!!!

Another Greyt thing about Shuffle is that he is really wonderful in his crate! When you ask him to go in his crate, he runs right in and gets comfy without making a peep. He loves to nest and move his blankets around until they are in just the right spot. How cute is that?!?!? The only time he gets vocal is his crate is in the morning and when we get home and his tail wags like crazy because he is SO happy to see us!! Such a happy, goofy boy!! Even when we are home and his crate door is open that's his favorite place to nap, and he even roaches which is TOO cute!


Wednesday, February 3, 2010


When we woke up this morning, my foster mom said, "Look, Snow!" So we went outside and checked it out. It was not as fun as she made it sound, it was just some cold and wet stuff. I decided to humor her so I went and checked it out!

After I checked it out and decided it was nothing too exciting, it was time to go inside. That ended up being much better because I got a cookie and lots of pets from my foster mommy. I love treats, but I love pets and love MUCH more!!

Of course since exploring in cold wet stuff, eating cookies, and getting love is very tiring, it was time for a nap. Did I mention I love naps too?!?!



Monday, February 1, 2010

Welcome To My Blog!!

Hi, It's me Shuffle!! Welcome to my blog! I am so excited that my foster mom made this blog for me, I gave her lots of extra love and kisses!!! I know how much she loves kisses!!





Well, I have been in my foster home for three weeks and I am really enjoying myself. My foster mom and dad are always telling me that I am a good boy and giving me lots of yummy treats, so I must be doing something right. I learned how to go up and down the stairs all by myself. I also started to really enjoy playing with toys. I like to collect them all and bring them in my crate. When I do that my foster mom calls me a silly boy. I also enjoy playing fetch in the house with my foster mom, and after she plays with me, I'm ready for a nap! I also LOVE going on walks. I get really excited and bouncy when my foster mom and dad are putting my collar and leash on, but once we get outside, I settle right down and walk so nicely like a good boy. I do get excited and happy when I see people and other dogs on our walks, but I am working really hard on that. My foster mom says I am a fast and eager learner, I hope that's a good thing?!?

I will try to update my blog every couple of days to let all my fans know how I am doing. Bye Bye for now!!

Love, Shuffle
